West Side Christian Academy

April 6 Chili Cook Off Fundraiser starts right after the morning service.
Silent Auction - 10 baskets of fun and cool items!
Hot Wheels basket!! And much more!
Live Pie auction!
Live Auction for a yearly membership to "Snake Creek Shooting Sports"
Gun Raffle for 1) Keltic P17 22lr
2) Ruger 10/22 with scope
3) Glock 20 Gen 5 10 mm
Get out and enjoy some good chili and fun while supporting our school.
Mission Statement
Our Mission is to teach students to honor God, pursue excellence and integrity in their academic and life endeavors.
VISION -- To Teach:
The Love of God
Spiritual Wisdom
Academic Excellence
A Love of Learning
Leadership Skills
West Side Christian Academy is a private school dedicated to helping your child achieve their goals and succeed in life with a strong biblical foundation and a well rounded education.
WSCA is a unique school offering the child a way to work on their own level, at their own pace. Rather than students being grouped up by age and required to all do the exact same lesson, WSCA students work independently in their own office and at a pace that they can feel good about and master their work confidently.